1. The background of two centuries
The tyranny of plunder
Rise of the magazine system
The age of linear warfare
'An umbilical cord of supply'?
2. 'An army marches on its stomach!'
The end of siege warfare
Boulogne to Austerlitz
Many roads to Moscow
3. When demigods rode rails
Supply from Napoleon to Moltke
A joker in the pack
Railways against France
Logistics of the armed horde
Did wheels roll for victory
4. The wheel that broke
State of the art
Logistics of the Schlieffen Plan
The plan modified
Logistics during the campaign of the Marne
State of the railroads
Strength and reinforcement of the right wing
5. Russian roulette
Problems of the semi-motorized army
Planning for 'Barbarossa'
Leningrad to the Dnieper
'Storm to the gates of Moscow'?
6. Sirte to Alamein
Desert complications
Rommel's first offensive
1942: Annus Mirabilis
Conclusions; supply and operations in Africa
7. War of the accountants
The pitfalls of planning
Normandy to the Seine
'Broad Front' or 'knifelike thrust'?
8. Logistics in perspective
Postscript: Where are we now?
Main purpose:
This chapter gives an overview of German logistics in the beginning phases of WW2, and then uses that overview to discuss the planning and execution of the logistics for Operation Barbarossa, the German invasion of Russia.